Adventures in crafting, creating, organizing, and and any other "ing" I may think of while living my dream of being a stay at home mommy.

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Year, New Goals!
I know many people don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but I really enjoy them.   Since I don’t have yearly employee evaluations, we’ll just count my New Year’s Resolutions as my “employee evaluation and improvements to make” for the year.
My favorite thing to do at New Year’s is make a craft resolution.  Strange I know.  But, how many of us say we want to create, paint, glitter, or sew?  And then at the end of the year we still haven’t.    What I started last year was my craft (for some reason I really resent the word craft, I feel it represents so much more than that, but don’t know what to call it) resolution.
I physically write down and put all my craft ideas and projects into a bag on the bookshelf.  Then I write down every single one of them that I want to do this year.  This way, for the most part, they are all in one place and there is one master list of what you would like to do.  I did this last year and was able to actually finish almost every one.  It was so fulfilling!  It might seem overwhelming at first.  So do it just
like the debt snowball.  You start with the easiest smallest project and then go from there.
This year my big “craft” projects include lots of painting.  I am having built-ins made by a wonderful handyman company.  I can’t wait!!!!  I am so excited.  That will be the huge project this year, as I will be painting all the woodwork for that.
After I get those in, I will be moving everything in the house around (no big surprise).  Another craft project is to work on my daughter’s scrapbook.  It has already been almost finished and was a huge beautiful gift from my Aunt Lisa and Nikki, but it needs more pages.  Family photos are another project to work on.  I have some beautiful old windows that I am going to putting these family photos in.  I just need to actually print them and hang the windows.  And the last project (as of now) will be making necklaces and bracelets out of old t-shirts.  I found this project on Pinterest and think it looks like so much fun plus I always keep old holy shirts.
Crafts. Check.
Now onto the biggest New Year goal that many make: Our body/health.  Please note that I am not trying to offend anyone by what I am writing.  I love those who work out and they deserve the amazing bodies that they have.  I, on the other hand, am very lazy when it comes to discipline.  I have nothing against those who work out and watch diets to become healthier people.  This is just not my year for that.
Check back next year and the opposite will be true.  This is my Year of Acceptance!
For many years, I have set my exercise and weight loss goals.  But, I really believe God has been working with me to accept the earthly body he has given me.  Maybe it’s age
(pretty sure I have put that in every post) but I really enjoy the idea of being satisfied with my body.  I love it!  I have also realized that no matter how much weight I lose, I am always going to have the same size thighs and my belly is always going to have a roll or flap.  Because no matter how much I work out I will never do crunches or run
long distances.  For those of you who do, I applaud you.  You are amazingly
disciplined and that is something to be admired.  But me, nope.
It’s just not going to happen.
And this year, I don’t want it to.
I don’t want to buy new clothes.
I love my clothes (maybe a bit exaggerated).
I don’t want to count calories.
I don’t want TV commercials constantly telling me I need to do more.
I am going to be content with my gift.  I am going to try to eat right (which I already do), I am going to stay active (which I already do), and I am going to eat lots of cake (which I already do).  Thighs and jiggly bits and all!
So, Body.  check.
Time.  I am trying to really carve out time to make sure we stay at home and enjoy family time on the weekends.  With families in the Tulsa area, we frequent the Turner Turnpike on weekends for birthdays and festivities.  This year, we are going to
have to just say “no” to some family things.  That will take a lot of discipline on my part, as I love to be with family more than anything.  But, I also long for regular weekends at home (family can always visit us anyway, as I have learned the Turnpike does go both ways).
We love to go to Ingrid’s on Saturday mornings to listen to live Polka
and eat delicious German treats.  Which we have not been able to do in quite a while, either because we are gone or are too worn out.
Time and Ingrid’s. Check.
$$.  This year, we are tightening the old belt strap.  Last year we started really evaluating where we put our money.  We kept a spreadsheet and input every receipt
that came through.  Oh, the agony.  As noted before, discipline is not my strong
suit.  Making sure I put in every transaction was quite taxing for me.  But, it was so worth it.  From doing this, we were able to see where we needed to spend less and where we needed to use funds for our benefit.  Spending less and enjoying more is our motto this year.
Money. Check.
Personal- I want to make sure I continue to keep the focus on God for this family.  I love teaching my little one about Him and want to make sure I am constantly setting a good example for her.  I also want to make sure her super cute impressionable self sees mommy praising God and talking to God.  This is so important in these
little ones who soak up every move we make.
Love and Patience.

Two things I always have to work on.  Not the love portion so much as the patience part.  I also make it my goal every year to make sure I spend quality time with good
friends.  Even if it is only twice a year.  Those two times a year of quality
time with girlfriends can work wonders in your life.  If you don’t think so, start a yearly girls get together and see how you feel after (besides being worn out from laughing and fun).
There you have it friends.
New Year’s Resolutions from me.  Crafting.  Body. Budgeting. Timing. Personal”ing”.
Those are my resolutions.
What about you?
What’s on your mind?   I encourage you to write them down and actually commit to working on them.  Stick to things that you really feel you can do.  Not anything crazy.  Also, stick with things that you would like God to help you with.  And, keep after it, even after February when most people have forgotten theirs.  You will be so excited to see the results at the end of 2012!  Now get to crafting!!!
Happy New Year Everyone and Much Love,
The Ponytail Momma

Just a note...not even a week after typing this for MommaRead's Blog I noticed the pants were getting a little tight.  So, now I officially have to find that balance between the chocolate cake, exercise, and growing hips:)

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