Adventures in crafting, creating, organizing, and and any other "ing" I may think of while living my dream of being a stay at home mommy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Was there a full moon?

Oh my!  What a night.  After posting about my little one having colic, I guess God wanted to remind us what we were missing out on and really make sure we were humble.  So, Miss Annie did not sleep last night.  Maybe she slept for about an hour and a half, but that was it. 
Ok God, we get it.  :)


  1. Ouch! Don't you love those friendly reminders?? :) Hopefully she's been sleeping better the rest of the week!

  2. Starting tonight, she better:) I think it's because she is teething. I wish the rest of those teeth would just come in already!

  3. He reminded us too! I think you may have something there with full moon were right on both tines I've heard you say it.

    Last night I got to rock #3 to sleep at one in the morning. Wow. Precious. And
